What Mac Is Best For Me

Ok, this summer I'm looking at getting an Apple laptop. I already have a Windows deskop, but have always wanted the Apple and I am willing to pay for it. Just some info on me: I'll be 16 in October and a Sophmore in High School. We always seem to be writing a paper, so thats a big point. I'm a big computer/Mac person, so I love computing power!!
I don't travel alot, but sometimes on those quick one or two hour trips for the relative place, it'd be nice to have something to do other than my IPOD. My main thing I love to do is browse the web and just mess around. When I get my liscense, I'd like to be able to take my laptop with me to a coffee shop, or some other wi-fi hotspot to sit and relax.
Ok, now that you know some about me, I'll go ahead and post my likes and dislikes on the Macbook/Pro's real quick. On the Pro, I love the LED display the most. I don't know when apple is going to relase them on the Macbook, but thats my main selling point. Also, the keyboard is nice, along with the finsih. Octodad 2 free download mac. (The Macbook's keyboard seems a bit odd to me)
On the Macbook, I really like the screen size, To me, it seems just about perfect. My only real dislike on it though, is the graphics. In the future, I may plan on using the laptop for some mild gaming. Just something to do on a long trip or something like that.
So, any ideas on which Mac is right for me?? Thanks!!

Which macbook is best for me

What Mac Laptop Is Best For Me

  • These days, virtually every top DAW is cross-compatible on both Windows and Mac Yet for some reason, Sonar is a Windows only program. PC lovers might not care, yet no one can argue that a HUGE percentage of musicians are Mac users.
  • CNET's Forum on Mac hardware is the best source for finding help, troubleshooting, and getting buying advice from a community of experts. Discussion topics include MacBook Pro, MacBook, iMac.

Best Mac For Home Use

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